Saturday, February 29, 2020

Causes of Religion in the US and Liberalism in Mexico

Causes of Religion in the US and Liberalism in Mexico Religion and Society Final Exam Account for the continuing vigour of religion in the United States. The United States remains the most dominant centre of science and rationalism on the planet today- normally these social factors create a division between religion and people, although, in America, people continue to be highly religious. Religion in America is available to its people as effortlessly as consumer goods are; a market economy. Every possible religious idea is freely available to be practiced within this market economy and their popularity is due to the vast availability of these religions and religious ideology; simply put, Religion in America is based on variety. There is a very large social significance to religious practice in America. There is a connotation in America that one must believe in a higher power, i.e. God. People are looked upon as different and out of the ordinary of American society if some allegiance and devotion is not expressed towards God. Even thoug h devotion to ‘mainstream’ Churches is declining, religion and religious practices remains of high priority to American people. America is in an era that is showing devotion to mega Churches. Mega Churches hold religious services traditionally (within a house of worship), and non-traditionally (through radio and television broadcasts) to very large amounts of people. These non-tradition religious communities are poised to spread the word of their specific beliefs and faith through modern means; this is a very simplistic approach to gaining and maintaining interest in their message of God and God’s will. The modern approach to religious devotion and the social significance that Americans place on religious belief all account for the vigour of religion in America. Although all forms of religion make up the religious right of America, there are still certain religious groups who have a higher percentage of followers compared to others. Religious groups want to ensur e these ‘popular’ religions remain powerful especially when faced with social and political issues within American government and state. Moral Majority is a coalition of religious believers with influence over important people within America with important ties to government, the corporate world, etc. The organization is thought to have influence over American politics in order to preserve religious ideology and influence on American law and way of life. The total integration of religion within all aspects of America is a direct reflection of the importance placed on religious belief and practice by many within the country. Discuss the impact of ‘liberalism’ on the Catholic Church in Mexico. Napoleon’s conquest of the Iberian Peninsula was the first instance where we observe the Catholic Churches attitude toward liberalism. The Catholic Church initially showed supported toward the revolution because in Spain they were seeing radical groups take away the control they had over the regions churches and schools. After the Catholic Churches war in Spain they were faced with severe unrest within their own Church, but also with severe economic turmoil. These hard times opened the doors for political organizations to take shape. A well known group that came about was called the Masonic Lodges. These Masons were historically very Anti-Catholic and worked to eliminate the influence of Church from state; they had planned to disrupt the Catholic Church and its day to day proceedings in anyway necessary. There were many groups like the Masons and eventually they would collude and join forces, thus creating the Liberal Party, thus creating the liberal movement and the revolution had begun.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Public administration-politics dichotomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public administration-politics dichotomy - Essay Example His intension was to protect administration from political interference. He further indicated that administrations and politics are two distinct disciplines. His main concern was the influence that politics had on administration (Wilson, 1887). He argued that the plans of the government are not administrative and so the two should be kept apart. He later realized that the two cannot be kept apart and embraced dichotomy and agreed that they should be used to improve policies. Public administration dichotomy means that public administrators should be involved in policy processes and politicians should also be involved in administrative processes (Wilson, 1966). Other authors of public administration like (Yang and Hozler, 2005) agreed that administration should be used to protect politics and democracy from its own excesses. Another public administration proponent of the separation of public administration and politics was Goodnow who was of the opinion that politics had a strong effec t on public administration. Separating politics and public administration has not been achievable and the debate to keep the two apart continues. However the reality is that they influence each other. According to (Overeem, 2005), the dichotomy between public administration and politics mean that public administrators be politically neutral. Public administration should be impartial and not get involved in politics and its controversies. The insistence on the separation of public administration and politics lays emphasis on specialization and order in policy making and government administration. Since public administration and politics cannot be kept apart, they can be dichotomized in five ways; there has to be a distinction between policy and management, extend it from the inner workings of the government to the political body, keeping administration from political control, call for

Saturday, February 1, 2020

What is a circular economy, what are some of the key principles, Essay

What is a circular economy, what are some of the key principles, concepts and building blocks and what system shifts might be needed to bring it about at scale - Essay Example This report deals with the analysis of a circular economy by considering the main principles and challenges associated with this kind of economy, by assessing the benefits and need of this kind of economy and by discussing how this economy has already been implemented by some nations cross the world. For this purpose, evidences are drawn for Jamaica and the Caribbean regions to understand the exact proposition and need of a circular economy. The report is suitably concluded by highlighting and summarizing the key findings and supporting the arguments as presented in favour of the need to shift from the traditional industrial economy framework to a circular industrial economy framework. The circular economy can perhaps be best explained by drawing a parallel of this economy with the traditional linear economy that is currently existent in the industrial domains. In the current economic system, the companies and industries tend to extract resources from the ecosystem at an accelerating pace and then use them into the manufacturing and production processes to make products that are usually disposed after some time of use (Lowitt, 2008). This approach seems to be efficient from the perspective of an organization or an individual. However, if observed from a global and holistic view, then this approach would seem to be highly unsustainable and hazardous for the future of the ecosystem and the planet (McDonough, Braungart and Clinton, 2013). Therefore in order to help the organizations, ecosystem and the industries to survive, an economic system should be developed that would operate within the natural and planetary boundaries. The concept of the circular economy is dev eloped on the basis of the idea of decoupling the prosperity and growth of the organizations and industries through the use of the ecosystem and natural resources with the concern